Megalita's Caramel Banana Pie The only ingredients are sliced fresh bananas, one can of sweetened condensed milk (SCM), a pre-baked pieshell (graham cracker will work in a pinch, but isn't as sturdy), your groove thing, and Cool Whip or sweetened whipped cream. 1) Take the can of SCM, remove the label, and boil the *unopened* can for three to four hours, making sure it's covered by the water the entire time. This will essentially turn the entire can of SCM into a big glob of caramel perfection. Usually, for me, a soup pot is the only thing deep enough to cover the whole can, but if it turns out that you like the pie, I'd suggest boiling two or three at a time and just marking them in permanent ink as carmelized and putting them back in the pantry to keep on hand. 2) Once it's cooled, mush up the glob of caramel perfection until it's ugly, but spreadable, globby caramel perfection. [Warning! Exercise care in opening can, as it may shoot a small fountain of caramel perfection into the air and all over your kitchen floor.] 3) Dump the bananas in the pie shell in a layer about three slices thick. It should fill about half of the pie shell. Cover with the globby mess. 4) Shake your groove thing. 5) Cover with the Cool Whip/whipped cream. Sometimes I'll sprinkle slivered almonds over the top, but any pretties you add are up to you. 6) Eat whole pie in one sitting, and wish that you'd made two since you're still having company in twenty minutes, and now you have no dessert to serve.